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5 Signs of a Toxic Friendship
And what to do if you’re in one
Toxicity in any relationship can be harsh. Sometimes you find that you’re putting up with a lot for the sake of their feelings, or you might not even realise that the other person is being sh**ty because the signs can be subtle.
I had a long term friendship with someone, and we’re talking about 7 or 8 years, that was so toxic that in hindsight I can’t believe I didn’t get out of it sooner. Now that’s not to say that friends aren’t allowed to be human and make mistakes. We all do; it’s our job to own up to them, apologise and then move forward with a better perspective. Though when people keep making the same mistakes without acknowledging them or accepting that there is an issue with their behaviour, that’s when things can get a bit testy.
Sometimes the signs are apparent that your friend is a toxic person, though there are some more subtle signals related to your reactions to this person that indicates a toxic relationship. Without further ado, here are five signs that told me that my friend was a toxic one.
#1 Ghosting
Ghosting is something that often comes up in the modern dating game, you organise for a date with a new potential partner, and then you never hear from them again. Though you can say the same kind of thing for friendship…