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How To Automate Your Personal Finances
3 Methods from Beginner to Advanced
It’s intriguing when I think about finance and automation; to me, it seems second nature. So much so I am surprised when I hear from someone that they pay a bill over the phone or even use cash (paying bills with real money got me, I didn’t even think that was allowed anymore, but there we go — my youth speaks for itself).
I was the first kid in my peer group who got a personal bank account with a debit card when I was 11. My dad was annoyed that my great uncle and grandfather would send us kids cheques in things like birthday and Christmas cards because he’d have to cash them and then give us the money. He thought it was better if we all had our bank accounts to pay them into instead.
So began my relationship with digital finance.
I highly doubt I will be able to convert a predominantly cash user into having automated finances. However, I’m hoping to provide some tips for those who perhaps use a checking (current) account or credit card and maybe a savings account too somewhere.
First Of All, What is Automation?
I’ve come to realise just because I know what something is, doesn’t mean everyone else does. So I’ll include a little intro to automation in case you don’t if…