Why You Should Use Video to Be More Relatable For Your Audience

Plus some video marketing tips!

Alexander Boswell
5 min readOct 9, 2020
Illustration of author holding a camera towards the viewer
Illustration Courtesy of Author

A little while ago, my brother introduced me to a show on Netflix:

“Hey, you do marketing, right?”
“Have you heard of the show Madmen? It’s about those slick marketers of the 60s in America.”

I watched a few episodes, it was alright, but I never got stuck in (though I’m thinking of revisiting). But it did get me thinking. While the medium of branding and advertising has changed quite considerably since the 60s, the human elements remain the same.

That is if you want to build an audience (or customers), you need to be relatable. It’s a no brainer, sure, but I wouldn’t be able to count the times I’ve seen brands communicating at their audience instead of with them.

And as it goes one of the best ways for a brand, either personal, small or corporate, to be more relatable is to use video marketing. Marketing charts estimate that in 2021, people will watch 100 minutes of online video a day.

They also found that more than half of US consumers prefer video ads relevant to the video they are watching (I’m looking at you, YouTube).

So the stats are encouraging, but why? What makes videos better than other mediums?



Alexander Boswell

Founder of SaaSOCIATE, a content marketing agency or MarTech, AdTech, and eCommerce SaaS businesses | Business PhD Candidate | He/Him | saasociate.com